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Donning a Mask


"Smile!" Force a smile at her, despite the stinging ache she may have left. Smile at her,

shielding the wounds from the whispers behind your back. Smile at her, even if she contributed to the tears staining today.

As life unfolds, it weaves a tapestry of intricate performances. The stark contrasts of black and white fade into the nuanced shades of grey. People, once perceived in simplicity, reveal complexities. We come to acknowledge imperfections, yet, even in the face of inner turmoil, we opt to act out a semblance of warmth and enduring friendship. Our existence becomes a play scripted with these carefully crafted scenes.

To those who deny this truth, I bet that you have done this at least once in your lifetime. It's an inherent aspect of human nature to avoid causing pain, even amidst your own suffering. In the presence of those who inflict hurt, you don a mask, feigning delight in their company.

This is the poignant choreography of life, where emotions are masked, and the art of living is a delicate dance of pretense.

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Cascade of Inklings

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