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Light Soul

The warmth and happiness emanating from a tiny soul, brightening the lives of many. Every moment spent in her presence feels like a delicate gift, one to be cherished forever. Her voice, flowing smoother than silk and sweeter than anything I've ever known, resonates deep within my heart.

What's even more incredible is how effortlessly we can be our true selves when we're together. From waving at birds  to helping her pronounce words and sharing infectious laughter, each experience fills me with a pure joy. It's as if the world becomes a more magical place when she's around.

And then, there are those quiet, tender moments when I lull her to sleep with a gentle hum, watching as her twinkling eyes slowly succumb to the peaceful embrace of slumber, a serene smile gracing her face. In those moments, I can't help but wonder what dreams fill her mind, what wondrous visions bring her such happiness and tranquility.

If angels truly walk among us, I have no doubt that she is one of them, a radiant presence whose light brightens the world and touches the hearts of all who know her.

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Cascade of Inklings

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